Ordination of Sara Wilson
With joy and thanks to God, you are invited to the Ordination of Sara Wilson to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Sara has been called to serve as Associate Director of Seminary Relations.
Ways to Participate in Sara’s Ordination
ZOOM into the Ordination Service here: https://clu.zoom.us/j/95507667841
Watch the Livestream here: https://www.facebook.com/pltsofclu/
Download the Worship Bulletin here: Bulletin
Make an Offering: https://www.mtcross.org/donate
The ordination offering will support Mount Cross Ministries and Region 2 First Call Theological Education. You can give online, with this link, and then Mt. Cross will forward half of the offering to Region 2 FCTE. Simply make a donation to Mt. Cross' annual campaign and put "ordination offering" in the notes section. If you prefer to make an offering by check, please make your check payable to Mt. Cross, write "ordination Offering" in the memo line, and mail to Mt. Cross, 7795 Hwy 9, Ben Lomond, CA 95005.
Our Lutheran outdoor ministries are vital to us being church together and supporting experiences that can be life-changing and formational for people of all ages, and especially youth & young adults. By supporting Mt. Cross, we are supporting young leaders in their faith journeys and an outdoor sacred space for us to gather in God's creation today and for generations to come.
First Call Theological Education is a three year continuing education program that all new pastors and deacons in the ELCA participate in. By supporting FCTE, we are investing in our new rostered leaders by giving the program resources for inviting a diversity of facilitators and speaker while reducing the costs for rostered leaders, synods, and congregations/seminaries/ministries.
Opportunity to Help Sara on her Ordained Way!
I and others have had the idea that we want to encourage Sara in her new steps by giving her a cash gift, which she can choose to spend in ways that help her launch into ordained ministry. If you would like to join in this effort through message and/or gift, please send your encouraging gestures to:
Rev. Sara Wilson, Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary, PO Box 525, Berkeley, CA 94701.
Brian Stein-Webber
PLTS Director of Seminary Relations
Sign the Padlet Guest Book
Create and upload a video greeting, write a blessing, share a favorite photo memory, snap an ordination watch party selfie or group photo...feel free to get creative...inside/outside, with your favorite beverage, or extending an arm of blessing...just be you...surprise Sara! If you have questions, please email Caeli Koizumi at ckoizumi@callutheran.edu.
Sign the Padlet here: https://padlet.com/missionandidentity/pastorsara
How to Post on Padlet Instructions
Mollie Jordan
(510) 559-2735