Candidate Plan

At the start of their course of studies or program, the student-candidate will meet with their advisor and synod candidacy representatives to discuss a plan for completing candidacy requirements.  

Prior to this meeting, the student-candidate will complete the Candidate Plan Form and send copies to their advisor and synod candidacy representatives.  This completed form will be the basis for conversation during the meeting.

Should their course of studies, program, or timeline change, the student-candidate will need to update their Candidate Plan and arrange another meeting with their advisor and synod candidacy representatives.

Scheduling a Candidate Plan Meeting
  1. Contact your synod candidacy representatives.  They will require you to sign an ELCA Consent to Release Student Information Form.  A completed and signed copy of this form must be sent to your synod candidacy committee and to the Associate Dean before scheduling arrangements can proceed.
  2. Contact your advisor and any other seminary leaders who need to be present.  They will need you to provide them with a completed and signed Scheduling Authorization before they be part of a scheduling conversation.
  3. The day of the meeting, your advisor and any other seminary leader present will go over the Conversation Authorization with you.  You will need to complete and sign the Authorization and provide it to your advisor and another other seminary officials present before they can proceed with being a part of the conversation.
  4. After the meeting, copies of the Conversation Authorization must be made.  A copy will go to you, your advisor, any other seminary leader present, and the Associate Dean.
  5. Once your Candidate Plan is approved by your synod candidacy committee, you will receive a copy.  You will need to provide copies to your advisor to the Associate Dean.

